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The Truth About Libido and Lube

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In this Episode Mel and Suzie chat about a woman's libido and its ups and downs. How the downs may effect you throughout your life or only at certain specific points. Why do you we experience low libido? What causes it, is it normal and can it be fixed? The answer is, it is very common. Most women will experience it in their life due to stress, anxiety, pregnancy, menopause, medical issues, medications and a whole host of other reasons.

Honest discussion Mel and Suzie have an open and honest discussion about low libido and why we don't talk about it. Why do we talk far more about male low libido and take that more seriously? They talk about contraception and how contraception such as the pill or an IUD can affect your hormones. Go see your doctor Women should go to their doctors if low libido is causing them distress. Also only go to a medical professional who is sympathetic and helpful. If they are not go see someone else. You are not damaged as a woman, you are going through change and it is important to understand what is driving your low libido. A journey Your sex life is a a journey with ups and downs, peaks and troughs. Mel and Suzie talk about how you can get creative with your partner and get into the mood again. Communication is important, patience, creative thinking and of course some lube! Mel's facts

  1. No 2 libidos are the same.

  2. Loss of sex drive or libido is very common at some point in a woman's life.

  3. There are many reasons for low libido such as stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, medical issues, medication and many more.

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